Christopher Hastings - National Capital Chapter - Safari Club International
Board Member
National Capital Chapter - SCI

Christopher Hastings


Hello, my name is Eric Hastings; however, I usually go by my middle name of Chris. I retired from the Marine Corps just over a year ago and my wife and I relocated to the Northern Virginia area to support her career.  I joined the National Capital Chapter of SCI last year just prior to my retirement and have attended the last two fundraisers. I would like to become more active in this chapter’s activities and believe I have the time and opportunity to become an effective board member for the Chapter.

I was born in Bozeman, Montana, and graduated from Montana State University prior to commencing my career in the Marine Corps. I feel grateful for the opportunity to have been raised with the outdoor activities that Montana provided for me, not only during my youth, but during my service in the Marine Corps. I feel blessed that my grandfather introduced me to hunting and fishing at a very early age and am truly thankful for being able to continue to go back to Montana to hunt and fish with my dad and my daughter, who is now attending Montana State.  Throughout my career I have been able to take advantage of unique hunting and fishing opportunities in the locations where I have been stationed. My last assignment was in Germany where I was able to earn my German hunting license (Jagdschein) and participate in drive hunts with some incredible European hunters with a real appreciation for managing the land, conserving its resources, and securing hunting opportunities for generations to come.

As a Marine Officer I commanded units and organizations at every rank, and served on staffs up to the Geographic Combatant Command level (USAFRICOM). As an infantry officer I have had five combat deployments as well as five tours on recruiting duty where I saw the youth of our Nation make the decision to serve in both peace and wartime. It was an honor to watch them grow in their careers – be it for four years or twenty plus.

I was first introduced to Safari Club International in 2002 by one of the prestigious weapons manufacturers and proceeded to assist them during SCI’s annual convention for the next five years. When stationed in California I associated with the Orange County Chapter, followed by the San Diego Chapter, but only as a member as my career in the Marine Corps presented challenges to making a commitment in any capacity as anything other than a member. I became a Life Member of National a few years ago and my wife and I always look forward to our week in Reno or Las Vegas with fellow SCI friends…and guides that have become friends! I enjoy SCI’s mission and the comradery of the men and women who are passionate about hunting and believe that there is a continual fight to ensure that the opportunities that I have experienced (around the world) are still available for our children in years to come. For these reasons I would like to become more active in SCI and the National Capital Chapter and put my time and talents to work for all of us.

Your Chapter of Safari Club International covering Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia
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