Education - National Capital Chapter - Safari Club International
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Sables & Education Initatives - National Capital Chapter - Safari Club International

Sables & Education Initatives

Dedicating To Continuing Our Hunting Heritage

The strategic mission of SCI Foundation Education Sables programs is to further the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creation and support of wildlife and conservation education programs.

Local chapter members of SCI often work in conjunction with the Safari Club International Foundations’s Education programs and initiatives. This is often done through Education Sables, an SCI membership group that oversees all SCI Foundation education programs and raise funds to give financial support to their programs, who are dedicated to continuing our hunting heritage through education programs. All money raised by Education Sables is dedicated to SCIF education programs.

Supporting of the Education for Teachers & Youth - National Capital Chapter - Safari Club International

Supporting of the Education for Teachers & Youth

National Capital Chapter of SCI

The National Capital Chapter of SCI has been very supportive of educating teachers and youth about the benefits of hunting and conservation. NCC has sponsored 36 Hands on Wildlife kits and purchased additional specimens from the Minnesota Trappers Association to supplement other educational projects.  In addition, they have sponsored over 10 teachers to go to AWLS, and each teacher received their own HOW kit.

Most recently, at Harper Park Middle School, where Sables Rep Beth Robinson is the Principal, the 7th grade students used the school’s HOW kit on the first day of school with an activity called “Who Done IT”.  This has been an annual tradition for the 7th grade Science Team.  They believe that students should begin school, even on Day One with a fun educational experience where the students have to work together.

What can your chapter do? - National Capital Chapter - Safari Club International

What can your chapter do?

Making Education Programs Possible
  • Reach out to your children’s science teachers – the HOW kits align with most Life Sciences Curriculum.
  • Investigate partnerships with your state’s Department of Game and Inland Fisheries office to see if they have any youth outreach programs.  They would love a HOW kit.
  • Reach out to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Game Associations and 4H to see if they would like a HOW kit.
  • Sponsor teachers to attend AWLS.  Teachers don’t make a lot of money.  If your chapter can cover the expense of the tuition and travel, you have more likelihood of getting attendees. Further, if they can go with a friend or colleague, they are even more apt to attend.
  • Continue to build relationships with teachers, conservation agencies, game wardens etc… and ask them how you can help. Often times it is through our SCI connections and resources that we can help them with their education and conservation projects.

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